YOU have been established since 2015. The company name was set up by Dr Danielle Farrel who lives with cerebral palsy. YOUs ethos is to give disabled people a voice and this is achieved through a range of services including advocacy, education, training, consultancy, person-centred planning support and self-directed support advice.
YOU have a range of national partner organisations who we work closely with on a regular basis one of those is the Scottish union of supported employment SUSE. We were awarded their award for outstanding contribution at their annual conference last year, this was specifically aimed at Dr Danielle Farrel’s role as their lived experience co-ordinator which involved recruiting a range of disabled people to their lived experience network and working closely with employers to increase their confidence in employing disabled people.
More recently YOU were awarded funding from the National Lottery Community Fund which is enabling us to extend our Dream, Plan, Live programme and offer person-centred planning support to disabled people and families across Ayrshire. YOU can also provide this support through other avenues and we look forward to being able to broaden your knowledge about person-centred planning, a modern approach to it and how you, your loved one or someone you support can access the dream, plan, live, programme as part of this year’s Cerebral Palsy Scotland conference.