I graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2006 with a degree in Medicine. I took a year out of my medical studies to gain a pharmacology degree in 2004. After 10 years of training in hospital medicine I became a consultant in Geriatric Medicine and General Internal Medicine in 2015. I work in Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Stobhill Hospital and The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Hospital. I have a specialist interest in falls and developing cancer services for Older Adults. I have worked alongside MacMillan Cancer Support and Maggies Centres. I am the Secretary of the British Geriatrics Society Oncogeriatric Specialist Interest Group. I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow and I am the Physician Representative on their Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Group. I am an Honorary Clinical Lecturer, subdean and a former EDI lead at the University of Glasgow Medical School.
I have been a trustee for Cerebral Palsy Scotland since 2019. I have cerebral palsy, in the form of Spastic Diplegia. I was involved with Cerebral Palsy Scotland (then Bobath Scotland) as a little girl as my parents were involved in fundraising for the charity since I got Bobath therapy as a child. It is great to be back involved now I am an adult.
I enjoy open water swimming – swimming the length of Loch Lubnaig for Cerebral Palsy Scotland in 2018. I also have a sausage dog called Jarvis – named after the lead singer of my favourite band, Pulp.