Why apply for a specialist review?
Therapy is the key treatment for cerebral palsy, but many adults don’t have access to regular therapy input.
Our specialist review gives you the chance to have a check-in on how your cerebral palsy is affecting you day-to-day, and to begin to identify opportunities for improvement or change.
What happens at a specialist review?
The specialist review is an in-depth two-hour consultation with one of our therapists, who are all specialists in the treatment of cerebral palsy.
You will be able to discuss your cerebral palsy, ask questions and identify current concerns or goals for improvement.
After the session:
- our therapists will liaise with your community health team to discuss what was learnt in the review.
- you will get a written report providing a summary of what you discussed and worked on in the session, plus follow-up recommendations.
- following your review, you may be offered some funded therapy sessions to help you work on therapy goals identified in the specialist review.
How do I apply for a specialist review?
We are currently fully-booked for specialist reviews and are not accepting applications at the moment. We will update supporters via email and social media when we are able to offer these again. Please join our mailing list to keep updated.